Realigning my Sight

There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after. - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit, or There and Back Again

When I stepped into this portion of my journey back in 2017, I thought I knew what the general path - or the outline of that path - was going to be. I thought I knew exactly what kind of painter I was going to be. I am thankful that I hadn’t an inkling of a clue to what was in store. The natural challenges of life arose, and I [eventually] found ways to meet them. Each step forward came in a new season for our little family: in moving to three new homes, bringing  three children into the world, and cultivating better ground for my creative endeavor. 

This endeavor found the most stability and the greatest step forward I’ve experienced in over a decade… right as the world shut down in 2020. My interests began to converge, and I gave myself the space to craft imagery in my head, my sketchbook, and even on new surfaces. I am thankful for this exploration, because it helped me rediscover what interests me and brings me joy. The piece below was the first in my renewed exploration. (Cabin in the winter wood)

With the potent encouragement of my wife, and the well informed guidance from a dear friend and brother, the journey forward through the wilderness started to look like stepping stones. My dreams and musings became sources of inspiration, and my observations of the world around me became the fuel to see my dreams come to life.

I found the path I was looking for.